Friday, August 29, 2008

Tarot Card of the Day for August 29, AT5

OK, enough with the upside-down pents, dammit.

Nines signify final completion; accomplishment. Reversed, it's a shallow achievement, a shoddy job, or an abrupt end. Pentacles represent the element of earth: physical needs, stability, bounty.

The illustration is of a woman who obviously has few needs. The earth has provided her abundance; she is calm and carefree, her work is done.

I was thinking about all the things that need doing on my house this morning. That manifestation of earth needs a lot of attention, but I've been blowing it off playing frakking solitaire and putzing around on the interwebs.

So, yeah, I get the message, dear Tarot. Can we maybe talk about something else?

'As if,' replies the deck...

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